Monday, November 5, 2012

Gratitude Challenge - Day 3, 4 & 5

We had such a great weekend with friends!  I didn't have a chance to post individually, so here is the Gratitude report for the last three days:


Day 3 - Nature
Since we were in Colorado Springs, we went to see one of the areas that was hardest hit by the fires this past summer.  It was heartbreaking to see the loss...but hopeful to see new growth coming up in the midst of burned nature.  It made me feel hopeful that my hometown and the surrounding areas in NJ are going to be okay after the devastation they have suffered.


Day 4 - Clothes
Thankful for clothes?  Yes, I am very thankful since I know so many people who have lost so much.   I had this pile of clothes in The Mayor's outgrown pile.  I am thankful for a pile of clothes for donation because it reminds me that he is growing and thriving.


Day 5 - Knowledge
Grateful for the knowledge I gain from my love of reading!

My 30 days of gratitude continues...and you can follow along, or join in.  Check it out at


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